Friday, August 5, 2011

Hour Glass

Hold your's something completely different:

I'm a bit late on the draw with updating this regarding the trip, but honestly...the trip (for anyone who wasn't on it) can be safely summed up in this video:

For the other stuff: We had some nice drinky-time before the big move, drinky-time the night after the big move, and some more drinky-time the night before coming back home. This may explain why I've had a hard time adjusting to being back...but nevertheless, time with friends was well worth the exhaustion and funds.

I feel like something profound can be said about what I may have learned from this whole thing regarding the value of time and people and resources...but I'm honestly still too jet-lagged from road-tripping.

But it was interesting: to be a friend from somewhere else, with a shorter story, try and assist others who have much longer and deeper stories make the most of a common companion's last precious moments in her hometown. Sending her off to start a new story. I hope we worked well enough together to give her not only a memorable send-off, but also a much less stressful settling in to the change. Though most of that will be up to her.

I wonder how long it will be till I can get myself out of here. I don't have as deep-running of a history, or as intimate of a relationship with, the places I have so loosely referred to as "home." When and if I do leave, I don't think I'll feel much of anything. Even if I was given a token send-off; will leaving here really mark a change for my life? A mark that I can remember in the future as significant?

I suppose my concern isn't whether I will feel anything in leaving or not; but more, will anyone be hurt by my wanting to move-on? Will I hurt my friends and family who have stood by me all these years, helping me to feel at "home," if I leave and feel nothing?

I will say and do nothing in times of over-arching confusion and misunderstanding; moving and speaking only when some sense of familiarity is established. Is that inability to move or speak what it is to be afraid? Or am turning inward to defend my cowardice?

Please. Take care.

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