Saturday, August 20, 2011

Friendly Apes

Today was interesting. I actually got to hang out with my Dad's Mom, who I call Nanny. She lives with us, and let me borrow her car for all of my practicing. She'll also be away for the weekend I'm leaving for school, so today was basically our day to do anything for my birthday (because she's a grandmother, and she likes to do stuff for her grand kids). So I told her that our old favorite "Dinner and a movie" sounded good.

We use to go and spend time with each other more often when I was younger. So it was really nice to be able to re-live that again. We went to see the new "Planet of the Apes" movie. I honestly thought it was a joke the first time I saw the trailer. Then as more trailers came out, I became more and more curious. Turns out I really liked it. More than I was prepared to. I also can't remember the last time I saw James Franco in something. I sort of knew Nanny would like it; it had that sci-fi action edge to it that she got me in to a while back.

Then we went to Friendly's and had dinner. We each had a different chicken melt. I got to try each; they were both fantastic.

That was about it. Other than tonight being my first time driving such a long distance in the dark (which made me accidentally cut someone off), not much else going on.

Having a drinky time, and playing video games.

I need to order my books soon. I need to find out what books I need first :-p

Then I need to make sure everything is clear for my living arrangements coming up in a week or so.

When all of the time seemed to have gone, what is left suddenly slows to a crawl. Is something coming?

Take care,

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