Thursday, June 9, 2011

Time is on our side

For starters; I just woke up, and stayed awake, from a 16-ish hour sleeping session. I crashed at about 9 last night, and woke up again at around 2 to feed my cat, then woke up again to a text, then finally got out of bed at about 1PM. I don't think I've ever slept that long and I'm, quite frankly, worried. I mean, I was tired yesterday because I had to get up early to accompany my Mom to her doctor's appointment at around 7:30AM or so. Instead of napping when I got back at around noon, I decided to call up a friend to hang out. Then I went to my Sister's concert. I literally just took a shower and went to bed once we got back. Concert was good, btw.

I'm not in to Facebook apps or games in any serious way, especially those silly questionnaire things that only stand to remind me of my myspace days. However, this one thing stuck in my mind from a post a friend made a long time ago that went something like: "Look at the top five people on your friend's list; it's the zombie apocalypse, are you screwed?" Now, every time I go on to my profile page, I look at the top five friends that come up and think: "if I was stuck with these five people during a zombie apocalypse, how would we do?" I can't stop thinking that every time now. Some times, it's turned out pretty well: I was given a group of friends that I think it would actually be enjoyable to be in that situation with, on top of being able to hold out. Other times, I think: "Wow, we wouldn't last a day." Then there are other times when the arrangement would be in such a way where I think: "Well, we probably wouldn't make it very long, but we'd go out in an orgy." One more way Facebook wastes my time.

I still fake my age on those video-things that ask for your age because it's either mature or "R" rated content. I've been old enough to not fake my age for a while now but it's just quicker for me to select, at least on the drop-down versions, the first day of the first month on the year that my scroll wheel lands on.

I was going to describe my concept of God to finish this post off, then decided not to on account of it probably being too long.
Then I decided I'll go ahead with it anyways, because my concept of God is pretty simple to describe. For starters, I only refer to it as "God" when speaking about it to others, because it is my equivalent to the general public's "God." I don't really have any special name for it, nor do I worship it or have any particular rituals to show my belief to it. I simply respect it for what it is, and respect that it will always be there; controlling everything, as it always has been. My concept of "God" is Time.
So, when I think of what "God" is, I think of it based on what other concepts of God have shown me "God" to be: something that has been there since the beginning and will continue to be till the end of everything, it creates and destroys, and it can never really be measured. Based on these; I have decided, for myself that if I were to consider anything an "all-powerful, omnipresent, and omniscient" thing, it would be Time.
Upon further intellectual inspection, with respect to the religious community, my perspective may come off as the "lazy" way to conceive "God." Or, that other forms of the concept require "faith." Now, I'll admit I don't know too much about "faith," and in common-speak I can't say I have too much "faith" in too many things. I accept that I can't understand everything all of the time, so I tend to delegate unknowns to "hope" and "luck;" which is just my way of making the world easier to live in. But the kind of "faith" that most other concepts of "God" require take a lot of personal investment. I'm just the kind of person, and mind, that feels like what I have of me to invest in to anything (like "faith)" is best utilized by "investing accordingly." Or, I'll spend myself when and where I feel like my life needs it the most.
And as I said before, my masochistic tendencies are my effective "wrench" in the gears. I will also say that I truly am happy for my, otherwise, religious friends and the happiness that their respective religions give them. A good head on your shoulders should see you through most anything, or at least improve your odds.

In unrelated news, Kevin managed to get the sound to work on RE5 again, so I switched the color back on and...we couldn't even get a "SS" rank. Guess we should try it in silent-film mode next time.

Take care,

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