Thursday, June 2, 2011

Mercenary Love

First, some things that have been going on; Second, some some stuff that's been on my mind.

Yesterday, which feels like today, since my sleep schedule's been off, was host to much in a short amount of time. One of my friends came over to hang out for a bit, initially so we could drink, talk and watch a movie; instead, it turned in to drinking, video games, and Bocci. Good enough. Our drink of choice was Guinness, which has become our preferred drink for social occasions. Our game of choice was Resident Evil 5 Mercenaries Reunion, an old past-time of ours. Our previous high score was 699K, achieved last Fall. If you're not sure what sense of scale to use in determining whether or not that is a lot, the game itself assigns grades based on score; the highest grade possible is a "SS," requiring a minimum of 150K. Needless to say, after a Guinness and a Monster each, Kevin and I were more than ready to finally kiss 700K. By our third try or so, we did it. Nuff said.

After that, we just talked a bit about things going on with me and junk. Then we figured that if it wasn't too hot out, we should play a game of Bocci; it wasn't, so we did. Kevin won.

Some time after he left, my new speakers arrived. I had to order new ones after my originals stopped working because my friend's computer broke them (not really). I still can't figure out what happened to them, they just stopped working after I used them for a movie-night thing on a friend's laptop. Anyway, I'm still getting use to how AWESOME these new speakers are. I've never owned a sub-woofer before, and it's down-firing; my room is earthquakes and thunder storms all of the time now...I'm happy. From there, I went to sleep at about 2 or 3 in the afternoon. I woke up at about 10 or so, and that is why I feel like today is, at least to some degree, yesterday.

Now, as for my second thing, I wanted to talk about "love." I put it in quotes, if anything, to best represent my view of it. But more importantly, I'd like to know what other people think of it. I feel that it, like other categories of expression, is entirely interpretive. This may seem like an, otherwise, obvious thing to some; but what of the view that sees love as an objective thing? I've only recently come to the crossroad of re-opening my eyes to the possibility that they are both correct; they each represent something inherent to the differences in people with respect to how they can differ in their feelings of "love." Or, that "love," and how it can be viewed, is another caricature of the human condition that people seem to utilize to better accept the world around them. The manner in which it is utilized depends entirely on the purpose for which it must serve.

This is, of course, just how I feel. I wish I could put that in to better words, but I'm a bit tired at the moment and would like to leave this open for outside input. I would greatly enjoy an intelligent dialogue on the subject.

I think I need a nap for now. Please leave some feedback for this one.
Take care,


  1. Love is entirely objective but it can't be stopped. Love happens when you least expect it. As much as I wish I could just give you the definition of love but to tell you the truth you have to feel it yourself to be able to know what it is all about. I know you love your family but that's not the same love I'm talking about. This love is so strong that it hurts. That every time you see the person you are in love with you get butterflies, you smile for no reason and you are genuinely happy with your life with this person. You are happy with you. But before you love another person you must first love yourself and love who you are.
    It's taken me a long time to consider talking to you. I haven't talked to you for almost 2 years. I see you on facebook but have never considered to actually get a hold of you. Maybe I'm just bitter or I've just been too busy. I don't know.

    I hope I've answered your question.

  2. In earnest, this is another one of those things that I'll re-read after I've woken up and I'll think: "what the hell was I talking about?"
    The heart of the issue is that I have some philosophical jargon tussling around in my head due to the sudden onset of feelings. Particularly, feelings I can't say I've had in a long time; having not dealt with them in some time has left me at a bit of a loss as to how to deal with them now. "Affection" is the only word I'm comfortable using to describe how I feel for now.
    Don't worry about the time; for better or worse, I'll always be here.

  3. Last I knew you didn't describe your "feelings". We need to talk soon.
