Friday, May 27, 2011

Out of times, Out of Places

Before anything happens, I'll say that the title is simultaneously irrelevant and the limit of my creative capacity for this blog.

I haven't had a written blog in a while. A sudden abundance of time has inspired me to start up again. I'd like to make this regular if I can afford it, and I'm not sure what the exact content will be yet; I'd like to leave it open. I already keep a relatively regular show up on youtube that I try to post to every Saturday here:
I also occasionally post video game footage of some of the games I enjoy. I may do that again some time soon.
Additionally, since this is my first post here, I may as well make you privy to my other internet stomping grounds:

I think that's all of them. I'll throw more in if I remember them in the future. I wanted to go on a tirade of recent event BS, but I'd like this to be more interesting than that (unless something interesting actually happens).
So I'll just list off some stuff about me: so you can better determine now if I'm worth sticking with. I didn't plan this out ahead of time, so I'll just be making this up as it goes along.

This should be exceptionally liberating:

-I feel like I have an otherwise indeterminate maturity level
-I have an indeterminate sexuality (I keep moving amongst being asexual, bisexual, and the others)
-I'm beginning to find what kinds of alcohol I actually like, making my drinking experiences much more enjoyable (Rum, Vodka, and Guinness fyi)
-It's not that I don't like sports and racing games, I just haven't found any that I could really get in to. Besides that, I can enjoy most every kind of game, I just need to be in the mood
-I'm not a big TV person, though I enjoy some shows, I never actually go out of my way to watch them; they're usually on while someone else is watching them (lucky me)
-My music and movie preferences are annoyingly liberal: I hate when someone asks me what kinds of movies or music I like. I can never give anyone a clear answer. Which I think is actually healthy on a personal level, just not a social one
-I generally prefer books that either provoke new ways of thinking or are based on something else I would otherwise be familiar with (games mostly)
-I thoroughly enjoy muted-color button-down shirts, with a tie and pants to match
-I am hypocritical in my opinion of breasts (usually)
-The penis, give or take the scrotum, truly does ruin what could be an admirable aesthetic
-I truly do feel like nothing is taboo, which I am personally rather disgusted by
-I have a harder time trusting people taller than me
-I have never tried on women's clothing (that I can recall; I may have when I was little)
-I find that, though I have no personal belief structure, thanking God and exclaiming "Jesus!" are too fun to give up having grown up in an American society
-Testing the combustibility of things is an old past-time of mine
-I tend to enjoy the company of other people's animals (as I do other people's children); mainly because I envy the simplicity of their lives, and have no desire to have children of my own
-I enjoy being ridiculous in public with otherwise "normal" company, so that I look like the crazy-person they must keep an eye on
- I firmly believe that what you want to eat, how you want to approach that which is greater than us, and how you prefer to get off is your business and we should not have labels for such things: the misuse of labels has only promoted the confusion and denial of what could otherwise be our true potential as sentient beings.

I think that's a good place to stop. I'll probably drop by again when I'm bored. Hope I piqued your interest, and you come back again.

Till next time; take care, and good riddance

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