Monday, September 12, 2011

Crunch Time

Well, I don't think I have it in me to give a full over-view of the recent goings-on; but given my extended absence I do feel like I owe at least "laying down what the playing field looks like" for me.

Okay, the long term-y looking stuff looks like this: Grad-school or Work. I'm pretty sure I already know my family's support is out the window on this one, but I'd really like to pursue grad-school if I can. I'd like to pursue a master's program in Game Design at Sacred Heart University if-at-all possible. My dream carrier outcome would be to combine my Undergrad's Sociology experience with that of a Game Designer so that I may work to create more good socially respectable and responsible games. "Respectable and responsible" in the form of not being exploitative of humankind's out-groups; if anything, embellish the things all people can find in common and feel deeply about.
The difficulties that stand before this dream are generally the consequences of me taking too long to care about things. Specifically, most grad programs require a particular GPA and letters of recommendation in addition to other things. My extended absence from the realm of "student that cares about grades" has left me with a GPA that will only barely allow me to graduate (if it doesn't get any lower). This has, in part, extended from my lack of willingness to communicate with my professors; so I was not comfortable seeking help with complications that arose. The lack of communication has left me in a position of not having too many (if any) professors that will know me enough to effectively back me in a letter of recommendation.
I know I put myself in this position; I'm not trying to blame anyone else here but me, but that doesn't mean I have to like it (or let it hold me down).
The alternative would be to stay local and find some work; I don't even know where to begin with trying to figure that out. I've been eye-balling my internship as a possibility, but that's too up-in-the-air to figure conclusively at the moment. The other thing would be to ask my current place of work for something; but for as long as I've been there, the more I'm gathering that staying longer than intended is going to hold me down in terrible ways. My "left field" option is to look for something new with my degree and see where that takes me etc...but that little issue leads me into...

Short-term-y, more "immediately pressing issues" type stuff: the race against time. Well, to put it simply: I am here in my last semester. This semester extends beyond the four years covered by the TAP financial aid: I'm left to cover the difference out-of-pocket. I have money, but it's not even close to enough. Apparently, I'll be allowed to finish the semester, but not being able to pay the college back on-time will delay me getting my degree. As it stands, I'm fighting for as many hours at work as my already-cramped schedule can handle. I haven't crunched any numbers; but the way I figure, I should be able to pay the school what I owe within the semester's time (provided no complications arise). I'm planning my spending as tightly as I can with still being able to feed myself etc.
Believe me, I've ran the worst-case scenarios through my head already; I won't mention them here, but just having them run through my head has my spirits in dyer straights.

So, for the sake of protocol, I may as well say that I'm probably not going to be making a regular schedule of blogging or vlogging. Or general social anything, for that matter. The social interactions I've been afforded thus far have been out of luck, or some personal cost.

The best looking thing about my situation so far is that, from what I can tell, each of my classes seem interesting and able to offer something meaningful to my current predicament. "Careful management of available resources" is more crucial now than I think I have ever known before; not to sound dramatic, but it's taken me too long to realize that this game is being played "for keeps."

Will I "not know what I have till I lose it?" Or will I keep it and continue onward, thankful it was there the whole time?

I'll keep you as up-to-date as I can.

Take care,

Saturday, September 10, 2011


I guess it has been a while, sorry about that. Things have really picked up for me, and I don't have as much time as I thought I'd have for things like blogging (here or on youtube).

I hope to have you caught up on things when I have time to just sit and stew over what's been going on. Maybe after work tonight. Hope everyone is doing well.

Take Care,